Bogor, March 31st 2017 – The Dense activity in the center of the capital with all its complexity, from work deadlines to traffic congestion inevitably make fatigue. Me Time is certainly become one of the most favorite solution to relieve fatigue and restore vigor in the move.
"Enjoy Me Time with Internet" is one of the alternatives that can be done anytime and anywhere. Why Internet? Based on survey by Internet Network Association of Indonesia (APJII) with the title "User Penetration and Internet Behavior 2016 in Indonesia ", it is shows that internet users in Indonesia have reached 132.7 million people, with the highest 53.3% use the Internet for video.
Just like Arlan Djoe, a music photographer and vloggers. He was happy to reduce the saturation in the city through his quality Me Time. For Arlan, his Me Time is by visiting spot or favorite place, but still productive. This time, Arlan make a visit to Bogor for a project as well as a chance for his Me Time.
“When doing Me Time it is important for me to keep access the Internet. I can browse and access Youtube to view exciting content that can be used as a reference. Therefore, I need a fast, stable and affordable internet connection. I use BOLT 4G+ so that my Me Time becomes more fun & productive. The internet speed really fit for me who like to watch vlog in Youtube without buffer,” said Arlan.
“At this project I choose Bogor as my spot, because it is quite close to Jakarta, furthermore there are so many places in Bogor that suitable for a short Me Time,” added Arlan. (To watch the exciting activity of Arlan Me Time in Bogor, please click the following link: Vlog #18 (Me Time))
Head of Product BOLT, Angkasa Perdana Putra or known as Angki explained, “Currently BOLT has a network in Jabodetabek and Medan. Therefore, BOLT wants to continue improve services at these locations and one of the locations that we choose now is in Bogor. We want to give maximum service in this area.”
“In Bogor there are many interesting places visited by people, especially from Jakarta and surrounding areas. Surely they need a fast, stable and affordable internet for social media activity, such as Instagram, Facebook, Path, Twitter or just to have relaxed time while watching Youtube. BOLT is the right companion for every people who want to have a convenient internet activity and still exist with the live video feature that is currently popular among netizens” said Angki.
A few weeks ago, BOLT launched its new services, Lifestyle Add On. One is Ultra Chat Unlimited for the user who like chatting. Only with Rp. 7.500, people can have unlimited chatting services for a full one month and also Ultra Social Unlimited that can be used to access social media like Instagram, Facebook, Path, Twitter, WhatsApp, BBM, KakaoTalk, and Line. This package offers with Rp. 39.000 per month. “BOLT will always perform innovation to address and meet the needs of 4G users in Indonesia”, said Angki.