Jakarta, September 14th 2017 – BOLT 4G+ as a pioneer of 4G services in Indonesia has launched the first Prepaid Unlimited internet service starting from September 4th 2017. This is the first prepaid internet package that offers the real Unlimited internet without any quota limit. Customer can enjoy the truly experience of Unlimited internet service that available in three packages, 3 days Unlimited package, 10 days Unlimited package, and 30 days Unlimited package. Generally, the prepaid service always oriented on limited quota.
In this opportunity, Billy Abe, Chief Product Office of BOLT said, “This first Prepaid Unlimited service is a proof of our commitment to give the best and better service for our customers. Satisfaction and convenience is the most valuable things that we want to give for our customers and we want to proof it through a product that meets customer needs. Customers in Indonesia already know that BOLT is a leading 4G+ operator that provide a fast, stable and affordable internet service. Then we are really glad finally to reach the stage that we can offer Unlimited Internet Service to Prepaid customers.”
There are three packages of BOLT Prepaid Unlimited internet service; 3 days Unlimited package with value of IDR49.000, 10 days Unlimited package with value of IDR139.000 and 30 days Unlimited package with value of IDR399.000, including tax. These packages can be used 24 hours and provide maximum upload speed up to 2 Mbps and download up to 8 Mbps. Further information about BOLT Prepaid Unlimited package can be access in http://bolt.id/paket-prabayar-unlimited.