Jakarta, December 13th 2017 – BOLT as the pioneer of 4G LTE service in Indonesia held Video Blogging (Vlogging) workshop to high school students of SMA 63 Pesanggrahan Jakarta on Wednesday, December 13th 2017. This workshop is also closing the series of BOLT School to School program in 2017. BOLT in cooperation with schools provide knowledge for students for using internet as a medium to learn and show creativity in positive way. This workshop featuring famous Vlogger, Beby Tsabina and Marketing Communication Dept Head BOLT, Ary Pahlevi. They are invites high school students to explore Vlogging as a channel of communication and creativity.
Ary Pahlevi, Marketing Communication Dept Head BOLT in this workshop said, “Today, internet is become so important among Millennials and Z generations. These generations has been ‘connected’ with the internet since birth and often called as “Generasi Zaman Now”. For this generation, social media is part of their daily life. Without internet then they cannot exist. Therefore, to support “Generasi Zaman Now” in utilizing internet we provide a complete solution. Not only through our product but also through channel of activity, so that we can share knowledge and support them to be more creative and explore the internet in a positive way. That is why we held this vlogging workshop creativity with the internet”.
Now, BOLT is the only internet provider services that provide unlimited internet without FUP and time limit. The services that BOLT provides is a comprehensive solution for various customer needs in access unlimited internet whether at home or mobile, as well as with modem device, home router known as BOLT Home and smartphones. In terms of payment there are two choices, prepaid and postpaid.
For Millennials and Z generations that often access video for e-learning, watching movie or listening some music, also having two-way communications with video and to upload on YouTube. All of that activities surely need a fast, stable and unlimited internet access. Many activities need big data of internet and quota limitations will hamper activities, including for unleashing creativity. However, unlimited internet without quota restrictions or truly unlimited internet will support unlimited creativity.
BOLT workshop “Creativity with internet” held to support the creativity world of Millennials and Z generations through vlog. The workshop presents Vlogger Beby Tsabina which present beauty and fashion topic. In this opportunity, Beby shares many techniques, tips and tricks in developing good content, which can attract a lot of viewers.
In this opportunity, Beby said, “Creative using vlog requires many testing. The process of trying and choosing the content of course comes from our interests. Beauty and fashion became my passion of life, so when making the vlog I will present various sides of beauty and fashion.”
This year the School to School program has implemented in 10 high schools in Jakarta. Ary hopes that this program will be continuously held in the next year ahead. “We will always develop our service and provide activities to give benefit and meet our customer needs toward product, service and information. BOLT internet unlimited service is one of our effort to give the truly unlimited internet service to customers in Indonesia.” Said Ary